After reading the article in our text book Is weather getting worse, I learn that despite of the increased disasters brought about by bad weather, scientists are hesitant to say the weather is getting worse for lack of strong data to prove the statement. As harsh weather happens infrequently, it is difficult for scientists to come up with enough scientifically sound statistics. Besides, even if they had good numbers, the present computer resolution is still too coarse to be able to make definite predictions. Although the hypothesis that global warming is to blame for harsh weather arouses wide attention among scientists, no one can provide enough evidence to prove it. El Niňo is the periodic warming of the equatorial Pacific that induces storms and other climatic events, historically occurs once every three or seven years and lasts for up to two years. It can cause storms, floods, droughts, and secondary effects like fires.
I also referred to some other articles about human and nature, one of which is called The Role of Animal-derived Remedies as Complementary Medicine in Brazil. In this article, they report on the use of 283 medicinal animal species in Brazil, 96% of which are wild caught and 27% of which are on one or more lists of endangered species. Further population declines may limit users’access to these bioresources and diminish the knowledge base upon which traditional medicine is built.
Though largely different, these articles lead me to think of the relationship between human and nature. I am a girl deeply in love with nature, the plants, the animals, the rivers, the mountains, and I have a date with the grassland. When I was 10 years old, I was shocked by the breath-taking beauty of the intriguing grassland on TV, hoping that one day I could ride on a fine horse gallopping across the vast plain. Now I am 20 years old and not a long time later, I will be armed with enough time and money to travel to the