Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder defined my impairing levels of inattention, disorganization, and /or hyperactivity-impulsivity. Inattention and disorganization entail inability to stay on task, seeming not to listen, and loosing materials, at levels that are inconsistent with age or developmental level. Hyperactivity-impulsivity entails over activity, fidgeting, inability to stay seated, intruding into other people’s activities, and inability to wait—symptoms that are excessive for age or developmental level. ADHD often persists into…
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that has regular symptoms such as persistent inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity. According to a Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, ADHD begins in childhood with between 3 and 7% of school-age children have ADHD, and it usually lasts into adulthood. (MMWR, Sept 2, 2005) About 30 to 50% of children with ADHD continue to have symptoms as adults. (…
In Steven Kurt’s informative article, “Why do some people dismiss ADHD?” Steven Kurt describes the lionized truth behind the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Kurt describes how it’s linked with school dropouts, teen pregnancy, and drug abuse. He has a PhD and is part of the ABPP (American Board of Professional Psychology). Stating that not treating ADHD properly is the main problem, he suggests getting the disorder treated rather than discarding the possibility of it.…
The prevalence of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is considerably high in school age children. Three to five percent of students are diagnosed with ADHD. These students also account for fifty percent of the students that receive special education services. The number of adults that are being diagnosed with ADHD is also climbing. Currently, referrals of adults for ADHD are also increasing at a rapid pace; until the 1990s and even to date, this age groups has been a markedly underrecognized and underserved segment of the ADHD population (Barkley, page 1. 2014) People with ADHD exhibit symptoms such as excessive movement (mostly in younger children,) loud play, and academic difficulties due to inattentiveness and hyperactivity. ADHD is very often comorbid with other disabilities, especially with learning disabilities. These symptoms must have begun before seven years of age, persisted for at least three months, and symptoms must occur across multiple settings. ADHD must be medically diagnosed. Due to the prevalence of ADHD, there has been quite a significant importance on the different treatment approaches for individuals with ADHD. Some practices focus on the medical and psychopharmacutical approach for treating ADHD. There are also alternative approaches to the treatment of ADHD. Others choose to combine these different approaches and practices.…
Further examining the problem of ADHD and the environment gives rise to the inference that ADHD is more a social and cultural creation, rather than a "neurological disorder." We have seen over the years that when social norms and values change, so do the definitions of deviance. Educators and, researchers are coming to realize that the response of the diagnosis of ADHD as biological maybe erroneous. The diseases would be more properly seen in a socio-cultural perspective.…
This essay is NOT a summary of several different elements of ADHD. Rather, it is an analysis of a single trend related to ADHD, including various elements of that single trend.…
Recently concern has been raised that the existing criteria for diagnosing ADHD might be too conservative or restrictive. Due to this concern, a study was performed to see how many therapists were over diagnosing ADHD and why. Researchers compared how many boys vs. girls were diagnosed along with how many therapists used the diagnostic requirements vs. subjective assumptions of the disorder. In this study 20% of therapists diagnosed ADHD even though two of the diagnostic criteria were not met also shows that the over diagnosis of ADHD resulted in more frequent recommendation for medication and that the majority of children receiving stimulant treatment fell far below the threshold of an ADHD diagnosis. Results from this study show that in addition to the issues about the adequacy of the criteria for an ADHD diagnosis, a major objective should also be addressing the…
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 3-7% of school-aged children are diagnosed with ADHD. Although the disorder is technically incurable, these children learn to cope with symptoms through a variety of different treatments. These include the use of stimulant medications, psychotherapy, counseling, behavioral modification and neurofeedback (Jacobs 87). To discover which treatment is the most effective, a concise explanation of each, along with their individual regimens, is needed. Next, I will address the belief that ADHD is not a real disorder by providing scientific evidence. Subsequently, I will consult various sources of information to…
Since ADHD is a chronic disorder it cannot be cured, but there is medication available to help with the symptoms of ADHD. This kind of medication is not available over the counter. The main types of ADHD drugs are methylphenidates, one of which is Ritalin. Ritalin is classified as a psych stimulate drug. It also comes in a variety of forms: straight Ritalin, SR Ritalin, Metadate CD and ED, Focalin TM, and the strongest of them all Concerta (Nagera and Emeritus). ADHD drugs are a fast working “chill pill”. They help reduce the symptoms of ADHD, but there are good and bad traits about these medications. Some good traits about these drugs is it helps a person with: less trouble with school and homework, fidgeting, being able to control emotions, being patient and with impulsiveness, have better relationships with friends and family, and it increases self-esteem(Brayden). With good there is also bad, so the bad traits of ADHD drugs are: dizziness, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, dry mouth, and mood swings. A person with ADHD shows three major characteristic traits; inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. In these characteristic traits there are sub traits. Some sub symptoms of inattention are: difficulty concentrating, unrelated thoughts, unable to focus and keep attention on one thing, acts like they are not listening, has difficulty planning, organizing, and completing tasks on time, problems learning new things, and poor modification of different situations. In the category hyperactivity, the symptoms include: not being able to sit still, being fidgety, deals with more than one activity, and tries to multi-task. The last category is impulsivity; there are only two symptoms which are: acting before they think and being impatient (American Speech). In order to diagnose a person with ADHD they have to meet certain criteria set by the DSM-IV. The person must have at least six symptoms for six months in both categories A and B. Category A contains the…
The first article presented the idea that ADHD is a real disorder. ADHD first gained fame when it first appeared in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-III 30 years ago. Many argued that the behaviors are normal in young children while others argued that leaving affected children untreated will have consequences in adulthood and will also place them in a social, academic, and emotional disadvantage. In this article the National Institute of Mental Health explains the symptoms of the disorder. Some of the symptoms included inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The two main types of the disorder include Hyperactivity-impulsivity and Inattention. In Hyperactivity-impulsivity the patient is usually squirming in there seat, blurting out answers, having difficulty in line, or running around uncontrollably. In Inattention the patient usually fails to pay attention to details, rarely follows instructions, and often easily becomes distracted by sights and sounds. Although humans may show some behaviors of the disorder, to be considered ADHD the behaviors have to be excessive, long-term, and pervasive. That is they have to be not just a temporary situation but the…
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) seems to be the affliction of this generation of children. It seems more prevalent every year. However, diagnosis criteria for ADHD is so subjective, what qualifies, who qualifies? There is no specific clinical cause for ADHD but it obviously exists. So many questions remain to be answered about ADHD. Are more children really being diagnosed with ADHD annually and is it really on the rise as it appears? Are too many children being wrongly diagnosed with ADHD as an easy way out because of other behavioral problems? And when ADHD is properly diagnosed are we overmedicating our children to make it easier for parents and teachers to cope? How often are other afflictions ignored in favor of ADHD because it's such a popular disorder in today's society? And probably most important of all, how adversely affected is a childТs chances at a normal productive life because of ADHD. I believe given the current understanding of ADHD and available treatments, the medical community is doing a pretty good job as a whole diagnosing and treating ADHD while also attempting to break new ground and do even better.…
Over two million more children in the United States have been diagnosed with attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder along with one million more tacking more tacking medications for ADHD over an eight period ( 2003 – 2004 to 2011 – 2012 ) ( ADHD Estimates Rise, 2014). ADHD has reached an all-time high in association with children, studies done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that within the last ten years as many as fifteen percent of all high school students carry a ADHD diagnosis (Explaining the Rise in ADHD, 2014). Those numbers are very high compared to ADHD diagnosis and treatment in other developed countries like Western Europe or Asia (Explaining the Rise in ADHD, 2014). Common sense says that there should not be this enormous of a differences based on population frequency. The numbers make ADHD look like an epidemic.…
ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, was once known as hyper kinesis. ADHD has become a common diagnosis in children. The three symptoms of ADHD are hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattentive. Research regarding ADHD has become a national priority. It is not known only as a children’s disease but many adults have been diagnosed with the condition as well. It has become a serious condition requiring long term treatment including therapies, counseling, and treatment involving medication. Regardless of age, ADHD a lifelong condition the patient will battle. Without a cure, research is ongoing to examine the long term outcome. ADHD affects three to five percent of all children and perhaps two million American children and fifty percent need medication as adults (Neuwirth, 2001). Research has shown that the diagnosis has increased due to increase of individuals identified, effects of diagnosis and multiple effective treatments, not only in children, but teens and adults.…
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by impulses that indicate disruptive behavior, and deficits in attention and motivation. ADHD is present in approximately seven percent of children, and three percent in adults who meet the diagnostics criteria (Ruhrold). That means that up to twenty million American citizens are directly affected by ADHD. The most debatable topic regarding ADHD is the treatment through Ritalin. Even though Ritalin is a safe and effective method used to treat ADHD, it is over prescribed by medical doctors. To prevent the rash diagnosis of ADHD, doctors must conduct more investigation and psychological testing. In addition, parents must be given other options for treatment than stimulant drugs.…
A debate has risen over the past ten years, questioning the fact of doctors over diagnosing ADHD medication to children and adults. Attention deficit disorder is a range of behavioral disorders occurring in children and adults, including such symptoms as poor concentration, hyperactivity, and impulsivity to say the least. There has been an alarming increase of diagnosis and treatment for attention deficit disorder, this has people writing articles and performing studies to show the pro and cons that both support and oppose the increase of diagnosis.…