“Chaya” or Hannah is starting to make new friends in her new home. When Hannah and Rachel first meet Rachel said “I am Rachel. I am going to be your best friend.” Before Hannah was forced into this different life she admitted that she wasn't popular and really only had one friend, Rosemary. Hannah’s four new friends are Shifre, Esther, Yente, and Rachel. The only real reason Hannah liked them was because they listened to her stories and followed her around. At Hannah’s old …show more content…
During her stay with Gitl and Shmuel, she helped cleaning up the dishes but they weren't surprised. At her old home if she helped pick up her parents would be surprised or shocked. I believe Hannah is changing because she is starting to do chores around the house. She also doesn’t ask for help because she feels like she has done all this already. When Yitzchak was over in the morning she cleaned up after everyone with question. Before the wedding, Gitl asked what she wanted to wear and she picked out an outfit and Gitl did her hair. Everyone at the wedding thought she looked beautiful with blue-violet ribbons in her hair and her lovely