Texas Southern University
This article discusses how two separate career theories emphasize a client’s way of thinking in terms of their career when it comes to decision making. The two cognitive career theories studied were the social cognitive career theory (SCCT) and cognitive information processing (CIP). A study was conducted with a group of college students. All students were given several different assessments at random order. Among the assessments were a demographics questionnaire, Career Decision-Making Self Efficacy Scale, Career Thoughts Inventory, and a Career Exploratory Survey: Environmental Exploration and Self-Exploration. All assessments were administered and results collected within two days.
The findings of the research conducted postulate that negative career thoughts on the CIP inversely predicted SCCT’s career problem-solving self-efficacy, which in turn predicts career exploratory behavior (Bullock-Yowell, E., Katz, S. P., Reardon, R. C., & Peterson, G. W., 2012). Basically, the study suggests that addressing negative career thinking while simultaneously improving career problem-solving self-efficacy could aide in successful career exploration. One can understand the impact that negative career thoughts could have on a client’s search for a suitable career path. Overall, this article provided a new research study that begins to help with solving this problem within the career development counseling profession. However, the research has not been completed fully, and may need to have a larger sample group. The study was only conducted on a group of one hundred and forty-five college students. It would be imperative to expand on the size and type of individual that is being tested in order to achieve a more accurate and well-rounded assessment of the issue. This article has impacted the