If your loved one was faced with a life or death situation would you do everything in your power to help them. The easy answer to this would be yes but thousands of people are dying every year because there just aren 't enough organs to be transplanted. There are hundreds of thousands of individuals in need of life-saving organ transplants, but the wait list is so long, that human organ sales should be legal. This has the potential to allow patients to look for organs of a similar match, potentially saving their lives in a much shorter amount of time with an overall long-term reduction in medical costs.
The history of human organ transplant is an epic journey to understand how the human body works and ways to help humans live longer. The curiosity of transplant dated all the back before modern medical in 9th century BC, where individuals sewed animal parts together. Then in 4th century BC Chinese texts describe Tsin Yue-Jen, a surgeon who switches the hearts of two people. This is the first documentation of a human transplant. In 1878, the first bone to bone transplant took place. In 1909, the first recorded animal to human kidney transplant took place. The animal that was used was a rabbit. This was a huge success but the patient died two weeks later. In the 2000 more than 300,000 Americans are on dialysis, and most of them could benefit from transplants if organs were available. In 2003, around 18 people a die each day on the waiting list. We have come a long way with modern medicine but we can reduce the number of people dying on the waiting list.
The waiting game is the worse kind of game to play. You will go to numerous appointments and hundreds of rounds of dialysis waiting for an organ while your family watches you fade away. There are more than 80,000 people in the U.S. on the United Network for Organ waiting list. But just more than 13,000 kidneys are donated. Donated either by living or deceased donors every year, not nearly