Satya S. Chakravorty*
Department of Management and Entrepreneurship
Michael J. Coles College of Business
Kennesaw State University
1000 Chastain Road
Kennesaw, GA 30144–5591, USA
Fax: 770.423.6606
*Corresponding author
J. Brian Atwater
Department of Business Administration
Jon M. Huntsman School of Business
Utah State University
3510 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322–3510, USA
Fax: 435.797.2634
James I. Herbert
Department of Management and Entrepreneurship
Michael J. Coles College of Business
Kennesaw State University
1000 Chastain Road
Kennesaw, GA 30144–5591, USA
Fax: 770.423.6606
Abstract: Established in 1988, the Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence recognises organisations in the USA, Mexico and Canada for the successful implementation of world-class practices. The Shingo Prize emphasises the improvement of operations and processes, the adoption of proven world-class practices, the use of specific measurements related to quality and process improvement, the empowerment of employees and the integration of other business functions. Over the years, many companies have received the Shingo
Prize, including Raytheon, Delphi Corporation, the Boeing Company, Johnson
Controls and Ford Motor Company. The Shingo Prize recipients have demonstrated that the successful application of world-class practices results in increased productivity, enhanced quality and customer service and improved bottomline business results.
Keywords: Shingo Prize; lean; operations.
The Shingo Prize for operational excellence 419
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Chakravorty, S.S.,
Atwater, J.B. and Herbert, J.I. (2008) ‘The Shingo Prize for operational excellence: rewarding world-class practices’, Int. J. Business Excellence,
Vol. 1, No. 4, pp.418–433.
Biographical notes:
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