Today’s world many individuals suffer from the effects of high blood pressure; however, most of them are not aware of the causes. High blood pressure is a very dangerous health condition, which, if left untreated can become life-threatening. Although most people strive for their pressure readings to be normal, many do not realize they can prevent much of it through maintaining a healthy diet and working to minimize the stress in our daily lives. There are three other categories that our blood pressure can be categorized by; for instance, these categories are prehypertension, stage one, and stage two.
One of the leading causes of high blood pressure is a person’s genetics. Both my mother’s and my father’s family suffer from high blood pressure. Given the symptoms I had at an early age, I too was diagnosed with high blood pressure. Unfortunately, there are not any known preventable measures to decrease the possibilities of developing this dangerous health condition.
In addition to genetics, a person’s diet can also be the cause of high blood pressure. Salt intake should be considered when addressing blood pressure issues through diet. Our bodies need a controlled amount of salt; however, if there is too much salt, the kidneys cannot keep up, fanboys and the salt will eventually wind up in the bloodstream. With more salt, there is more water, fanboys and with more water there is more blood. This causes , consequently causing a rise in blood pressure. Another concern that should be considered is the consumption of trans- fats. Consuming trans-fats is a source of high amounts of low-density lipoprotein, also known as bad cholesterol, which travels through the blood vessels. This causes an unsafe accumulation of fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries, reduces blood flow to the heart, and makes the heart work harder.
Start with a transitional wordBlood pressure rises with the amount of stress our body is subjected to. Not only does