In his article “The speech the graduates didn’t hear” Neusner states that Brown University has three weaknesses: 1. college does not prepare students for real life, 2. Students are not challenged, 3. Faculty are too passive. To help explain this, Neusner creates a mock speech directed toward a graduating class. Neusner asserts that Brown University is trying to make being a student easy, so they do not have to deal with the students. He attempts to convince the reader that this is an unhealthy trend.
Neusner has presented support for his thesis with both logical and emotional elements, and the emotional elements help to persuade. Some of the author’s stronger arguments include, even thought students come to class late, are lazy, and are rude, the faculty stay calm and helps students to solve problems. For example, if students came late the faculty pretends like they do not care. Despite instructors failing to teach the students, the students are happy because, for them school is easy. Some students may argue or act rude toward the faculty, but the real world, after they are graduates, is not same as college. That will make students failures in the real world, because students will act with coworkers and bosses same ways they acted with faculty or professors. In colleges, students drop classes without failure, but outside of college failure will become marked on their record. After graduating with good grades maybe benefit in the future, but in the real world, good grades do not protect students from doing wrong. College has spoiled students and has not prepared students for the real world that is why on graduation day is not the day that faculty should be proud.
In contrast, the author has been less effective using proof/logic in other examples. For instance, it is not always true that he said students’ failure leaves with no record, and if a student forgets their appointment, the faculty will change