Furthermore, closer cousins of opium, “paregoric” and “laudanum”, have remained man’s best friends in need since antiquity”, Ms Sufentanyl elaborated further.
“Well, that is great”, exclaimed Marijuana. However, a feeling of sadness could be seen on his face, perhaps because of greater healing effects and prowess, opiates had in doping individuals. Despite that, he liked company of Ms Sufentanyl because unlike her sisters, she was more friendly and amiable and hence was respected more in medical circles. Ms Mescaline informed that her family originated from Mexico and they were “shamans” who imparted sacraments in psychedelic meditation. Mr Marijuana asked her, “I know madam Muscimol of “fly agaric amanita” family. Are you related to her?” “Not at all. They belong to entire different clan”, said Mescaline. “The Amanita mushroom is used as an entheogen by the people of Siberia, and has a religious significance in these cultures. There is traditional use of this mushroom as an intoxicant in other places such as the Middle East, North America, and Scandinavia”, Mescaline elaborated