Communication 103
The Story of us
Chapter 9
1. What factors caused Ben and Katie to form their relationship at the beginning?
Ben and Katie worked with one another and they became really close because they worked side by side. They were little kids that had crushes on each other in school, with their love taps, and throwing paper balls and things like that with one another.
2. How did those factors changed over time?
Ben and Katie became undrawn to one another. They both started top like other things and no longer shared the same interest. They no longer had time for each other now that they had kids who were growing up and because they now worked at different places.
3. Map how Ben and Katie’s relationship move through Knapp’s stages.
Initiating- Ben and Katie imitated speaking to one another to get each other attention at work.
Ben and Katie got married and started having children
They both argued and fought and things would get out of hand because they each thought one another was cheating. Circumscribing - There was a point when they seemed like they weren’t in love, the dinners would become silent. They got to a point where they no longer communicated or enjoyed each other.
Avoiding –
Both Katie and Ben started to avoid each other phone calls nor would they have time for one another. Terminating –
Both Ben and Katie decided the relationship was finally over and no they could not keep this a secret any longer from their children.
4. Which dialectics do you see in Ben and Katie’s relationship?
The dialects that I see in their relationship are Integration vs. Separation and Stability vs. Change. Neither one wanted to sacrifice the love of their children to tell them the truth but they were both also ready for change.
Chapter 10
1. What dimensions of intimacy are apparent in Ben and Katie’s relationship?
Ben and Katie both share emotional, physical, and shared intimacy. The