This is the ultimate driving force for the novel The Stranger. The final argument to condemn Meursault to death is his lack …show more content…
The word “existentialism” is a general and extensive categorization that means many different things to a variety of people, and is often misused or overstated. As it is most frequently used, existentialism alludes to the concept that there is not a higher meaning to the world or to human existence, and no rational order to the events of the universe. According to a common definition of existentialism, man’s life is not invested with a supporting purpose, there is nothing beyond man’s physical existence …show more content…
Camus himself rejected even suggestive of the “existential” label to The Stranger. “The absurd” is a term Camus created, and a philosophical idea that he grew and established. Reading The Stranger with Camus’s viewpoint of the absurd in mind, reveals a lot about the text (Sparksnotes). The opening phrases of The Stranger exemplifies Meursault’s absurdist perspective on life, his emotional apathy and disinterestedness to people, and his unresponsive, but quiet alienation from the rest of civilization, an obvious example that our protagonist is unaware and indifferent. He does not even know which day is the death of his mother, and to him, it "doesn’t mean anything" anyway. Not only does he not know the actual date, but Meursault’s too passive to find out or take time to remember. He treats his mom’s death with the same nonchalant attitude with which Meursault later treated the death of the Arab. Finally, it draws effects into his own impending death. Meursault is comfortable with being an observer of life, and may even be somewhat on the solipsistic side. Imagining this is try would explain why he finds it difficult to identify with sympathy or empathize with people going through the same “grief (Shmoop