S.Y. 2012-2013
Presented to:
Prof. Sybil L. Agreda
Faculty, San Beda College
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in ENG04
CAPUCION, Justin Clyne M.
SHIMIZU, Heroyuki A.
January 22, 2013
Table of Contents
I. Background of the study
II. Statement of the Problem
III. Significance of the Study
IV. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
V. Definition of Terms
VI. Scope and Limitation
VII. Research Hypothesis
Background of the study
Statement of the Problem
The research will determine the effective selling strategy for SBC students and will explain how it will be affected by consumer behavior.
1. What are the effective selling strategies for San Beda College (SBC) Student when they are grouped according to: a. Course b. Gender
2. Are there significant differences on the effective selling strategies when respondents are grouped according to: a. Course b. Gender
3. How can the consumer behavior of SBC students affect the selling strategies?
Significance of the study * Business owners
This study aims to help business owners to effectively see their own product/s. Especially because they have many well-known competitors within the campus for example Pizza Hut, Tokyo Tokyo and Wendy’s. They can come up with their own selling strategy using their product, price and promotion. * Students
This study may help students of SBC to budget their money when it comes to buying their food. This will also help them choose the right food for healthy living. * Marketers
This will serve as information about the selling strategies that can be applied if there will be a chance that the SBC students will be there target market. * SBC Faculty
This study can also benefit any of the SBC