1. What is an MRI? How are they using them to study the teenage brain?
An MRI is a magnetic resonance imaging. It is technology that maps the blood flow to the areas of the brain as their exposed to various stimuli. They are using MRI to study teenage brain by comparing the blood flow of adults when they get stimuli to teenagers when get stimuli by various activities.
2. What is the number one reason teenagers are different? What does the Frontal Lobe do to suggest this? The number one reason teenagers are different is that information travels first to Amygdala rather than the frontal lobe. The amygdala is the part of the brain that process emotional because of this and it goes through the emotional part first rather than the logical frontal lobe. Teenagers act more emotional than adults because the frontal lobe is not full developed so the amygdale has more of a reaction in what teens do.
3. How much influence do “hormones” have on the teenager? Is this claim worthy of discussion orover rated? What do you think?
The amount of influence “hormones” have on teenager’s brain is unknown because there has not been a full study on the effect that “hormones” have on the brain.
4. What is the relationship between risk taking and the teenage brain? Provide 3 statistics that you find concerning and that could be reduced in some way?
5. Should adolescents be forced to go to school before 10 am? See if you can come up with a Reason.
Adolescents should not be forced to go to school before 10am because adolescents require the most sleep but often get the least sleep. Also produce secrete melatonin which is a chemical that makes teens feel drowsy 1-3 hours later and makes teen drowsier in the morning. If school if moved back to 10am and teenagers aren’t forced to get up earlier they would be less drowsy in school and would probably improve school marks.
6. “So if adolescents are a work-in-progress in terms of judgment, should they be held accountable