One example of revenge from The Tempest is how Prospero uses his magic to safely and very meticulously strand all of his captors onto the island they stranded him and his daughter on. He strategically placed them all in certain places on the island because he had a long drawn out and very thought through plan for the revenge on his so called enemies. He refer to them as chess pieces each of them different pieces of different levels depending on how big of a role they play in his plan. …show more content…
The definition of forgiveness is, “the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven”, and the definition of forgive is “top feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense, flaw, or mistake”. A real world example is say you are at lunch and someone trips and spills something on you, and doesnt mean it, at first you are angry but when they apologize and say that they didn’t mean to do that, you almost feel sorrow and forgive them and help them clean up whatever the