The Theory of Planned Behaviour is an extension of the Theory of Reasoned Action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980; Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975) made necessary by the original model’s failure in dealing with behaviours over which people do not have complete control. (Ajzen, 1991,181). The Theory of Planned Behaviour was developed by Ajzen in 1988. The theory proposes a model which can measure how peoples’ actions can be directed. It predicts a specific behaviour taking place, as long as that behaviour was intentional. (Ajzen, 1991:181).The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) foretells planned behaviour, because behaviour can be intentional and deliberate. The most accurate way to foretell behaviour is intention, because intention is the person’s cognitive demonstration of his or her readiness to perform a specific behaviour and is thought to be the direct precursor of behaviour. (Ajzen, 1991,181). The theory was meant to explain all behaviour over which people are able to exercise self-control. Behavioural intentions are influenced by the attitude about the possibility that the behaviour will have the expected conclusion and the subjective assessment of the risks and advantages of that conclusion. (The Theory of Planned Behaviour, Boston University Jan 22, 2013).
(University of Twente: Explaining Human Behaviour). Attitude towards the behaviour is explained as the person’s own positive or negative opinions about performing a behaviour. It is established through the evaluation of one’s opinions with regard to the consequences resulting from a behaviour and an assessment of the appeal of these results. Basically, it necessitates careful thought about the consequences of executing that behaviour. (The Theory of Planned Behaviour, Boston University Jan 22,