Transnational Anti-Apartheid Movement
Introduction In the study of social movements, several theories have been advanced to explain why different actors in different social movements behave in particular ways. The theories put forth differ in perspective, which can be explained partly by the fact that different social movements take different approaches to voice grievances as well as recruit activists and adherents which can ultimately determine success or failure. The choice of theory to apply to a social movement is also dependent on the development, evolution, and ultimate success or failure of the movement. This paper will serve to examine existing research and literature on resource mobilization theory and apply it to the transnational anti-apartheid movement to see if the theory adequately explains the movement’s success. The paper will begin with a literature review that examines the theoretical background of resource mobilization, critically and systematically pointing out the basic assumptions on which the theory is developed. Some of the fundamental concepts which resource mobilization theory rallies around are also explored. Following the literature review, a historical background of the transnational anti-apartheid movement that explores its origins and development, both on the local and international front, will be provided. The application section will apply the resource mobilization theory to the transnational anti-apartheid movement to see if the theory adequately explains the movement’s eventual success in removing the apartheid regime from power in South Africa and achieving majority rule in the early 1990’s. The paper will conclude by exploring the effects the transnational anti-apartheid movement has had on contemporary global political culture and the notion of a global civil society.
Literature Review
Understanding the collective behavior that guides social movements has been a
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