The Trojan war was a war between the Greeks and the Trojans in the city of
Troy. This war was one of the most important events in Greek mythology. The cause of this war was due to Paris who was the prince of Troy kidnapping Helen, the wife of the
King of Sparta, Menelaus. Menelaus waged a war because his wife was not brought back to him which made him get furious. The myth and the movie Troy have multiple differences that makes them the way they are portrayed. One of the biggest difference was how the movie did not include the gods. However, the gods in the myth played an important role.
In the myth, Venus, the god of love, saves Paris from Menelaus. However, in the movie, Hector saves Paris from Menelaus and kills him as well. The movie was making the audience portray Menelaus as the evil guy and they liked Paris instead when he is the one who abducted his wife from him. Menelaus was just trying to get her back. The movie also cuts out the part when Aias hurt Hector, not badly though, but continued to fight and Mercury, the god of messenger climbs down towards the heroes and says
“Stop! Don’t fight! Jupiter does not want you to fight now.” Jupiter is the god of the sky and was the king of the gods but was not included in the myth.
There are many reasons to why the makers of Troy had made the change of not including the gods. They wanted to make the movie seem more realistic and more believable causing people to think it is a real story. It also made the movie less dangerous since gods have special powers that would do more destruction to the
characters and the city of Troy. Taking out the gods shortens the movie as well making it only two hours long. They also make it a two week war instead of a ten year war to fit it into a movie. They cut out some parts and added new ones to the movie making it different from the myth. The makers of the movie added fewer characters and this made it easier for the script writers because there was less explaining to do for the audience. Furthermore, not involving the gods made a great impact on the whole movie.. It changed people’s perspective of the story and made the audience feel sympathetic for some characters and other characters made the audience ruth against them. It had people thinking the story was not fictional and made up. The Trojan war had a different ending in the myth and movie, with different significant characters dying in each one.
Although they had many differences, the plot was the same including the purpose of the
Trojan war. The makers of the movie Troy made sufficient changes to the movie even though they knew the events that took place in the myth. Altering the movie had a different effect for the audience who know the myth as well.