to make myself look good although it was not true. I am ashamed to confess that I am a liar. Why is lying always seemed as bad? I cannot tell you how many times I have lied to make somebody feel good. I do not think that lying is completely bad. I talked my friend out of committing suicide by lying to her. It was a desperate act of kindness to help save her life. I wouldn’t tell her the truth and drag her into deeper depression and finally just watch her die. “A lie that makes you happy is more valuable than a truth that deteriorates your life” –Ricardo Arjona. As a kid, I was taught that lying was bad, yet my own mother used to make me lied since Pre-K. I remember being late to class because my mom overslept and she would tell me: “Christye tell your teacher that I had to take you to the doctor pretty early in the morning”. At that time, I did not know why we were lying but I did it anyways because I trusted my mother. In the transition of this week, my journal became a truth reveling instead of a lying journal.
I was lying in between 2 to 4 times in average but some days the numbers went up. My biggest lie was when I told my boss I couldn’t work at all until the winter semester was over. I lied about been too busy to do chores at home. I also lied about the number of classes that I am actually taking over winter semester. I lied about not sleeping enough hours so people won’t bother me. Most of the time I lied about not eating so I could eat more because I was feeling too anxious, and I didn’t want to be judged. I lied about being in good terms with people I did not like just so we don’t have to “have the talk”. I lied about not knowing that the dogs pooped so I didn’t have to clean up. These were all white lies, sweet little lies, nobody got hurt after this lies were told. During this week, my lying victims were my family members, friends, and people at …show more content…
Since I am taking 2 online classes over winter, and the workload is huge, I knew I had to lie just so I can do good in my classes.
Therefore, I decided to put it as an excuse so I don’t have to go to work until winter semester is over. I did not only lie to my boss but I had to be sure to remember the exact same lie to tell my co-workers, family members, and friends. Two days later I came home very late and my dad caught me sneaking in. He asked me where was I and if I didn’t have to sleep to wake up early and do my assignments. I had no choice but to lie again and said that I was at the school library getting the material that I needed. The following day as I was pulling in the parking lot to go have dinner with my fiancé, I see my boss parking next to me. He asked how was I doing and what I was up to. Thankfully there is a gym next door to the restaurant, I told him that one of my assignments was to get my heart rate while running, so I went to the gym to do it. That night I did get to have dinner but at least I didn’t get in trouble and that was all that matter to me. I would do it again if I have to, now and then my conscience was bothering me but having the extra time to get my assignments done is a key to get a good grade.
I never thought that lying was a big part of my daily life until I started my journal. I was quiet impress to see how many lies I had to say to cover the first lie. Although I had to lie couple times about the same thing, I do not think it was so bad.
I did it because this was my first time taking an online course and I did not know how difficult it could’ve been. I think most of my lies are categorized as “SWEET LITTLE LIES” or “WHITE LIES”. My lies did not hurt anyone, even though it did make couple people question my integrity. From now on, I will try my best to say as little as lies as I can, no promises.