
Theme Of Fate In Romeo And Juliet

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Theme Of Fate In Romeo And Juliet
Everyone has this supernatural power in their life that can not be controlled. It changes its course with every action we make, but even then it’s outcome can never be escaped. Destiny or fate is what determines our futures, or decides what will happen. Although fate can not make decisions for people, it still has a hand in everything they do. Using supernatural powers unknown to the world, fate is able to twist life around like a block of molding clay. Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous love stories ever told, featuring the world’s original pair of star-crossed lovers, it combines both comedy and tragedy. In the drama Romeo and Juliet, written by Shakespeare in the 16th century, both Romeo and Juliet experience fate's ruthless …show more content…
Romeo and Juliet are the original star-crossed lovers, whose destiny was predetermined as soon as they met each other. With every action they did and did not take throughout the play, they got closer and closer to fulfilling their destiny. Once Romeo met Juliet at the Capulet party and decided he loved her, fate made sure that their love would be the death of them and if not that, then surely they would still feel the silence of death a little too early in life. For example, on Romeo and Juliet’s wedding day, Tybalt had sent word that we wanted to duel with Romeo. Romeo refused because he was now secretly Tybalt's cousin-in-law. Due to this, Mercutio died at Tybalt's hand and Romeo quickly took Tybalt by surprise and killed him to avenge Mercutio. Had Romeo not met Juliet at the party, he might have accepted Tybalt's offer to fight and died at Tybalt's hand because he is the better swordsman. Instead, he lived just to die of suicide later in the drama. This is the perfect example of how if Romeo loves Juliet, their love would kill them and if he chose not to love her, he would have most likely died in a fight anyways. Romeo could not escape his already predetermined

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