A few differences about the community in the book v.s. the movie are;
Careers are chosen at the age of 18, instead age of 12. Also, Jonas’ sister is older so she receives her bike at age 9 in the movie. Since the characters grew up there is a bit of romance too. The memories Jonas receive are similar but different than the book.. his memories are different; His first dose of pain is of a bee sting instead of a sunburn. When he first experiences warfare, …show more content…
While the society is failing in The Giver , the Chief Elder plays a much bigger role to keep memories away in the movie. The Chief Elder also is more rude and isolated. When fiona was to be released The Giver tried explaining to her that love is so much more than pain. With love can come, joy,hope,laughter and etc. But she kept going with all the negative things; Starvation, loneliness, sadness and pain. After jonas goes over the bounadry of memory the Chief finally sees the memories. The Giver was also different because he gave Jonas the memories through his arms insted of his back. The Giver also found a map and planned the whole escape with