"Sir...sir!" Raven uncontrollably shook her master Sir Theodore …show more content…
Eventually she tugged him down the last obstacle, the stairs. It was a rocky ride but they made it. Out of the blue, a beam collapsed in Raven's path. Her and an unconscious Theodore Creasey were trapped in their own home.
Azrealia just stared at the cottage where Raven Guildley resided. A ton of hate bubbled up inside of her. 'That deceitful brat!' she thought. She clutched beautiful gem in her hand. It was shaped like a crown and was gradient from red, through orange, to yellow. 'Just standing here will make it worse, I need to take action.' the deceitful teenager thought. Still grasping the gem she muttered the incantation for The Spell of Fire:
"Embezore." she muttered under her breath. Almost as soon as she had cast the spell, the cottage erupted into hysterical flames and Azrealia Hartswell was satisfied with her work.
After watching her doings burning two human beings for half an hour, Azrealia finally tore her eyes away from the precious sight and turned around. She scraped all the soot off her hands, tucked the gem into her pocket (it made a slight 'clink!' as it fell in) and walked off,