Theories And Principles For Planning And
Enabling Assessment
Student: David Willett
Tutor: Janine Wilson
Word Count (2174)
Choose a session(s) that you have delivered from your teaching practice to demonstrate an understanding of underpinning theory, by reflecting on how teaching, learning and assessment strategies fit lesson planning, how to enable inclusion and development of learning functional skills.
A pedagogical approach may be described as a teacher dominated learning situation. The teacher will have full responsibility for what will be learned, how it will be learned, when it will be learned, and if the material has been learned (Knowles, 1984). Whereas the anagogical approach originally used by Alexander Kapp (a German educator) in 1833, places more emphasis on what the learner is doing. This approach is more learner-centred than teacher-centred, and this is how adults mainly learn and views the experience of the learner as a deep reservoir that serves as a resource for learning, this means that we can teach this type of learner differently, as we can expect that the information and instructions that we give the learners will be processed in a more cognitive way and the learners can, and would be expected to carry out the work either independently or in a group.
This is supported by Knowls who states: “Therefore the structure of learning is performance centred rather than subject centred” (Knowles 1980 p.43-44).
Andragogy and pedagogy are only two psychological concepts to the learning theory Petty (2004, p.4) identifies three other schools of psychology that have contributed to the learning theory: cognitivist looks at the way we learn through the thinking process, the behaviourist school looks at external factors and teacher behaviour and how they influence learning, and finally the humanistic approach which is based upon meeting the emotional and
References: Black, P. Willian, D. (Inside the Black Box Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment.) Available at: [Accessed: online 23 April 2014] Cohen, L. Manion, L. (1989) A Guide To Teaching Practice: Third Edition: Routledge. Ingleby, E. Joyce, D. Powell, S. (2010) Learning To Teach In The Life Long Learning Sector. Continuum International Publishing Group. Knowls, M. (1984) Moving from Androgogy To Pedogogy, (Adapted and updated from Hiemstra, R., & Sisco, B. (1990) Individualizing Instruction. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.) Available at: [Accessed: online 5 April 2014] Knowls, M.S. (1980) The Modern Practice Of Adult Education. Revised and updated. Chicago: Follett Publishing Company, Association Press. : Laird, D. (1985). Approaches to training and development, Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley. Petty, G. (2004) Teaching Today A Practical Guide. Third Edition: Nelson Thornes Ltd Reece, I. Walker, S. (2003) Teaching, Training And Learning: A Practical Guide: Fifth Edition. Business Education Publishers Limited.