Its entitled theme brings up the topic of the apocalypse, which is insured into the poem by some phrasing. "The miracle of Jesus is himself, not what he said or did about the future. This to me seems like Rumi has a very narrow view of what is to come, the problem with it is that it seems like he is willing to wait for an infinite amount of time for this so called ending. I mean if it has not happened between biblical times and whenever Rumi was writing, who is to say if it will ever actually happen. The next quote I took was actually the next sentence. "Forget the future." To forget the future is impossible since it has not happened no one could know it. Also besides the apocalyptic theme there is a little bit of an "if you wish it, it will be so," sort of thing going on. This makes me think that Rumi is almost himself wishing for nothing as in no universe to be in his …show more content…
So all I really had to do was expand and polish work I had already done. This assignment was very fun since I really like poetry and the analysation there in. Also I had a lot of fun with many of the topics that Rumi talked about and most of them seemed quite humorous to me. I did take my paper to the writing center and have a tutor review the grammar with me just to make sure I had correct punctuation and spelling. This resource is very helpful and reassuring that I am handing in the best work I could possibly do, and this feeling is quite pleasing. Also this is one of the first papers that I ever started during a break from school, this took a lot of burden off my back for when I came back and I did not have as much work as I normally would have. This pressure being lifted was a lifesaver since I actually had a presentation due in another class, which I had forgotten about. When I came back from vacation and realized that I had this presentation since I had already made a good start on this paper I could devote more time to preparing for my presentation. All in all I really liked this shorter length paper assignment since it forced up to focus on getting all the points we wanted to express into this small a space and this in turn made the quality reflect how much work was put into the small area