The purpose of this chapter is to present the methods used in the creation of the system. It also includes the discussion of software tools used in developing project
3.1. Conceptual Framework
Conceptual Framework is used in research to outline possible courses of action or to present a preferred approach to an idea or thought.
3.2 Project Planning and Management
In this part of the chapter, the proponents show the steps used for the improvement of the system.
3.2.1 Gantt Chart
This chart shows the start and finish dates of the estimated working days graphically.
Figure 3.2.1 Gantt Chart
3.2.2 Work breakdown structure per proponent
This table shows the assigned activity and the duration to complete the activity of each proponent.
|Main Activity |Activity |Duration of Weeks |Person In-charge |
|Planning |Thinking what programming language |3 weeks |Dela Cruz Alvin jay |
| |and database to be use in | |Marco Anthony Payumo |
| |developing a system. | |Mark Anthony De Guzman |
| | | |Nelson Bristol Ogrimina jr. |
|Data Gathering |Collecting information about the |2 weeks |Marco Anthony Payumo |
| |system to be developed. | |Dela Cruz Alvin jay |
|Data Analysis |Study