Roll No. - 54
Masters of Management Studies
Year – 1st, SEM – 2nd
I, NADIRSHAW K. DHONDY, ADVOCATE SUPREME COURT, have examined the thesis of Mr.Onkar Pradeep Sule who is enrolled in the Masters of Management Studies program at K.C. INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES at Kopri, Thane (East) for the academic year 2010-2012
His Thesis entitled The Evolution of Consumer Protection Law in India has been done in part fulfillment of final examination program.
He is evaluated to receive …………. marks out of 40.
Dated this 14th Day of February 2011.
(Signature of the Candidate) Signature
Onkar Pradeep Sule Nadirshaw K. Dhondy
Mobile No: 8097555566 Advocate Supreme Court
One of the pleasant aspects of preparing a Thesis is the opportunity to thank to those who have contributed to make the project completion possible.
I am extremely thankful to Professor Mr. NADIRSHAW K. DHONDY, Advocate Supreme Court, whose active interest in the project and insights helped me formulate, redefine and implement my approach to the project.
I am also thankful to my friends and my guardians and all those seen and unseen hands & heads, which have been of direct or indirect, help in the completion of this project.
PROLOGUE The Doctor patient relationship in our country has undergone a sea change in the last decade and a half. The lucky doctors of the past were treated like God and people revered and respected them. We witness today a fast pace of commercialization and globalization on all spheres of life and the medical profession is no exception to these phenomena. As a result, the doctor-patients relationship has deteriorated considerably. Earlier too, doctors were covered by various
Bibliography: |44 | |EPILOGUE |45 |