Proponent’s Name:
Trimester/S.Y. :
2nd Trimester / 2013-2014
Proposed Title:
“Gym Management System“
Area of Investigation:
There are people who are waiting for the slow process of their Gym transactions billing because it is done in manually causing customers to be impaticat. Usually, when records are handled manually especially in times of overloading customers managers are having a hard time hastening their service because of their inefficient quality of service. So the proponents come up with this project that computes the bills of the customers record all their details, and add them to the list of Gym Members.
Reason for the Choice of Project:
The proposed system can manage and compute bills, and register records. It can also lessen the GYM official’s time consuming processes. In this proposed system a fast generation of computerized management system is the most likely to be used as a medium by large companies. This will also help the users make their work easier and faster as well as keeping the records safe and secured.
Manually writing down the records of information needed in a business is rather time consuming. You need to look for the proper form, use a pen to write with, then file the form accordingly. What if the form is missing? What if it takes you some time before you acquire a pen to write with? It would waste even more time.
Importance of the Study:
In the world of business industry, being in the position of a manager or a head of a GYM company, is indeed a tough job. One of the duties of those positions is managing the records of every customer they serve and the information of every employee they have. The proponents found out that this task manually adds up to their time and efforts. Supervisors are assigned to manage different information of their employees as they serve their customer in their building.
Target Users and