Drop-in visitors * Let them know you only have a certain amount of time to visit, but would have loved to visit longer, but was in the middle of studying
*Reschedule the visit. Explain to them that your time is limited and that they should have called prior to coming. Ask them to do this in the future.
Phone interruptions *Only answer the phone if it’s your family or job
*Turn your phone off for the time that you will be studying
TV *Study where there is no television around
*Take a break to watch some tv to take your mind off homework
Afternoon naps *Do the majority of your homework in the morning
*Have a study partner so you won’t be sleepy and able to finish work
Family & friends making demands *Tell them that school is important to you, they are distraction to your success and to please support you by making less demands on you *Set boundaries as to what you will or will not allow from them and maybe they will get the hint to not make demands on you.
Checking Facebook *Study where there is no internet *Set a limit as to how many time you will check your Facebook. You have to be disciplined with this, because FB can be a real distraction
Biggest Time waster not mentioned
Although working is not a waste of time, it can be a distraction/hindrance.
*Limit your overtime to a certain amount of hours so that it won’t cut into your study or prep time.
*Don’t work overtime on your days off if it’s going to be that much of distraction/hindrance to you.