Children are humans.
With this sentence I want to start my assignment, because after having read the paper you will find a deeper meaning in these words. There are many kinds of institutions who work under the umbrella of the United Nations and fight for the right of human. One of these types of institutions is the United Nations International Children Emergency Fund, shortened UNICEF.
I chose to write about the UNICEF, because I would like to give my point of view about this organization. UNICEF is an important organization for the international cooperation between different countries. I think if there weren 't such an organization, children had to suffer even more.
There are a lot of children who get help from UNICEF, but yet there are millions who are still suffering. It is of essential importance that there are such organizations who help the children in difficulties and suffer, especially now in the third world countries.
UNICEF offers help for children with difficult circumstances. In all parts of the world, for example: Kosovo, Zambia, Colombia and Vietnam. UNICEF works in 189 countries and is one of the biggest UN-organizations. They give people food, safety, water, help in illness and education. I admire the work UNICEF is doing, especially for the children who have to suffer.
History of the United Nations and UNICEF
December 11th 1946. The World War II has just been ended and many cities and villages have been destroyed through bombings. On the farms not much was grown and most of the factories didn 't produce, because there was a lot of damage caused by the war. Also the stores were not open so there was not much food. Especially the children had to suffer of all this chaos.
The United Nations was formed shortly after the war to try and create peace. Countries who joined this organization sent their delegations to the Headquarters of UN. They came together to find a way for
Bibliography: Literature Verhellen, E., Verdrag inzake de rechten van het kind, Garant NV, 2000, p.252 Prior, K., UNICEF, Harmelen, 2001, p. 321 Raad voor het jeugdbeleid, Van gedrag tot verdrag, SWP, 1996, p.78 Ling, L., Internationale regelgeving over de rechten van het kind, Defence for children international, 1993, p.145 Versmissen, M., Op de bres voor kinderrechten, Bakermat, 1993, p.58 Website Logo: