
Three Types Of Freedom In America

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Three Types Of Freedom In America
“Everywhere around the world/ They're coming to America/ Every time that flag’s unfurled/ They're coming to America/ Got a dream to take them there/ They're coming to America/ Got a dream they've come to share/ They're coming to America.” After hearing the song “America” sung by Neil Diamond, I felt truly blessed. Many people living in different countries are not given what we have in America. America has many great things like freedom, family, and simple things like food. People in other parts of the world may not be blessed with these things. Would you ever want to be anything other than an American? Rafael Cruz said once, “Only in America can someone start with nothing and achieve the American Dream. That's the greatness of this country.” …show more content…
as a way of freedom. Freedom has been a major dispute in America’s past, and freedom is one of our birth rights. That is what makes America so amazing. People can express their freedom however they choose. Freedom is one of American’s greatest rights. It is taken lightly to some, but to others freedom is valued greatly. We have three types of freedom in America. Physical, true, and personal. Physical, the freedom to go where you please and do what you want. True, which is to be free of all habits, good and bad. Finally, there is personal freedom. Freedom of opinion and expression, conscience, and values. In the novel “How It Feels to be Colored Me,” by Zora Neale Hurston, a woman describes her life as an African American and being an American citizen. We can see how freedom allows for her to overcomes racism, rejection by society, etc. because she knows she is free and she is confident with …show more content…
In the short story, “How to Be A Patriot,” we see how a family goes through life caring about others and the environment. They are being American patriots and having a love for their country. We all have a deep love and respect for our country that makes up who we are as Americans. Without patriotism, America would not be where it is today. In our history, books have all taught us about how patriotism has been one of the most common terms used in war. Governments use propaganda about patriotism to advocate their views and spark American support through common desire to be better than other countries. September 11th, 2001, was an event that caused great sorrow and many deaths due to a terrorist attack on America. It also brought us all together as a nation. It changed everyones views about our country. Everyone had a greater love for America and better support. American flags rarely were hung outside apartment windows or stuck to car doors. The national anthem was reserved for special events, and other nationalistic songs were seldom heard. Essentially, American patriotism lay in a healthy and impervious repose until its rude awakening that morning in September. The sights and sounds of that horrific day are unforgettable. We witnessed a nation coming together, first to aid the victims and then to begin our collective healing. Blood, sweat and tears were all literally given to that end. That was patriotism.

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