Timbuk2 is a company that specializes in the making of different kind of bags. I personally chose to customize their “Maya shoulder bag”. Before starting the process of customization, one has to choose the style of bag that he or she wants. The range of bags goes from different kind of laptop bags to messenger, tote and shoulder bags and backpacks. After choosing the style of …show more content…
Their website is easy to navigate and instructions are very straightforward. However, I feel like there could have been more choices when it comes to the customization of the product I chose. For example, I could not choose the size of my bag. It would have been better if I could choose how big or small my bag would be. Depending on the use that I intended for it, having the opportunity to choose its size can make a huge difference and push me to order again from that vendor. Also, Timbuk2 does not provide the opportunity to add images, symbols, quotes, and embroidered patches or jewels to that specific “Maya shoulder bag”. I feel like with more design features, Timbuk2 can accommodate a variety of styles. More, there was no option that allows adding pockets to the bag. I personally like having different size of pockets in my bags and not having the opportunity to add those bothered me. Timbuk2 website also lacks choices when it comes to color. The company has only few colors to choose