Problem solution Final draft
July 9, 2013
Instructor: Jonathan Funkhouser
Time Management
“How often do you find yourself saying, “In a minute”, “I’ll get to it”, or “Tomorrow’s good enough” and every other possible excuse that you come up with? Compare it with how often you decide it’s got to be done, so let’s get on and do it! That should tell you just how serious your procrastinating problem really is” (Stephen Richards). Time management is a serious problem with approximately 80% of the population. Many people don’t know how to use time. Time is limited, so we better spend it on some fancy things and not waste it. The problem with time is that people usually don’t meet the exact time that they already set. It seems like when it comes to use time, nothing take place exactly to what had been done. The biggest population that doesn’t know how to use time is those Marshallese people. They really don’t know how to be on time. There is the saying “Marshallese time” which means for example, if the event was suppose to start at 5, Marshallese time mean 6. They always get late and maybe they really get used to this late attitude. Time management means to manage your time wisely and use them for the most important reasons such as study and all that. A person that can’t manage his/her time is really in a mess, compared to those that can manage their time, their life is all organized. Learn to manage time is not an easy thing that you can just snap and you know how to do. You must actually learn how to do it. Take the fact that you got to learn it seriously. There are plenty ways you can learn how to control your time, but there are only three that I think is the most and reasonable that a person must do. The three ways to learn how to manage time is to take a time management course, priorities your task, and learn to reduce stress.
The first and most valuable thing that a person must do to reduce the inability of managing time is to take