“in love” and people think it’s with will because Will always sticks up for him. Will, Gary, Jane, and Tiny go to a Neutral Milk Hotel concert which turned out to be a publicity stunt for a different band. While at the concert, Tiny’s boyfriend breaks up with him over facebook status update, causing tiny to get drunk. Will hasn’t cried since he was seven because he follows his 2 rules: 1. Don’t care too much. 2. Shut up. Later on a third rule is added: 3. Never
“in love” and people think it’s with will because Will always sticks up for him. Will, Gary, Jane, and Tiny go to a Neutral Milk Hotel concert which turned out to be a publicity stunt for a different band. While at the concert, Tiny’s boyfriend breaks up with him over facebook status update, causing tiny to get drunk. Will hasn’t cried since he was seven because he follows his 2 rules: 1. Don’t care too much. 2. Shut up. Later on a third rule is added: 3. Never