much? Consider yourself: recall a time when you had to make an important decision.
Did you use mostly logic or reason to make the decision, or did you rely more on
intuition? What was the result of your choice? In the end, were you happy with the way
things turned out, or do you feel that you should have approached the decision
differently (using more logic or perhaps trusting your instincts more). Write a least 400
I disagree with Christopher that people rely on intuition too much because in
many situations people do not go with their gut instincts since there is usually always a
right answer or right thing to do. A time I had to make an important decision was when I …show more content…
I was still happy with my decision at the end because it taught me that I
have to be more careful and review my answers. I think whether or not people use
intuition too much depends on the situation that they are in and the person. Everybody
thinks differently and has their own opinion on different topics.. In my situation I think
logic and reason should have given me the correct answer because i was i was doing
problems that i was practicing for weeks.. In Christopher's situation he could have used
reason or went with his intuition because there was no proof with what his father told
him about his mother and things did not add up. An example of people not going with
their gut instinct is when they are in a relationship. They do not want to use logic and
believe their partner is cheating, they do not go with their instinct and they just use
reason for why their partner may not be cheating. I disagree with Christopher that
people do not always go with their instincts because they do not want to be wrong