Some students depend fully on financial aid to go to school therefore can’t afford to buy food outside. As well as the fact that there may be inconveniences and a student may not be able to cook or buy food. If that were ever to happen students always have somewhere to get food from if they have a meal plan. That’s great but it should be an option for students not a requirement. If their financial aid covers their meal plan that’s excellent. The problem is for those who have to pay out of pocket for that meal plan. Students should be responsible for if they choose to have meal plan or
Some students depend fully on financial aid to go to school therefore can’t afford to buy food outside. As well as the fact that there may be inconveniences and a student may not be able to cook or buy food. If that were ever to happen students always have somewhere to get food from if they have a meal plan. That’s great but it should be an option for students not a requirement. If their financial aid covers their meal plan that’s excellent. The problem is for those who have to pay out of pocket for that meal plan. Students should be responsible for if they choose to have meal plan or