The confederates also called the freedmen not human because of all that they supported and how much work they did. In that time there was a lot of rebellion going on after the president freed the slaves and many groups were formed to try to kill the slaves. President lincoln tried his best to protect all the freedmen but most of the time he failed. He also had future plans for them. The main reasons President Lincoln got killed were because him freeing the slaves, His decisions about slaves, and Him making Robert E. Lee surrender in the civil war. He gave slaves their citizenship, He forced the confederate troops to surrender at Appomattox and he got some great achievements during his term in the presidency. That was my essay on the assassination of Abraham
The confederates also called the freedmen not human because of all that they supported and how much work they did. In that time there was a lot of rebellion going on after the president freed the slaves and many groups were formed to try to kill the slaves. President lincoln tried his best to protect all the freedmen but most of the time he failed. He also had future plans for them. The main reasons President Lincoln got killed were because him freeing the slaves, His decisions about slaves, and Him making Robert E. Lee surrender in the civil war. He gave slaves their citizenship, He forced the confederate troops to surrender at Appomattox and he got some great achievements during his term in the presidency. That was my essay on the assassination of Abraham