Wednesday, 8 July 2013
5000 word essay on the importance of tool control and attention to detail
Growing up my Father always loved to have my sister and I participate in home improvement projects. While we were less than joyous to help, we always ended up learning something whether it was a new skill or technique to develop our work ethic, we were always hands-on. My father’s favorite thing to say at the completion of a successful project was, and probably still is, “the job isn’t done until everything is put away”.
Saturdays were not for biking with friends or going to the movies with girls, for years during my childhood these afternoons were reserved for building hand-crafted cedar chests or fixing boat trailers with my father. We would work outside in the beaming sun for hours on end with breaks received only when my father sliced open one of his appendages and was forced to stop working. Needless to say, my sister and I were only eager at the prospect of being finished for the day, so we would urge my father to stall the work another day. Even when we thought we got a break by getting him to agree to post-pone the project, he would hit us with the most painful rhetorical question, “the job isn’t done until….?” As me and my sister grinded our teeth, my father eagerly awaited our reluctant response, and then we would groan “until everything is put away”.
I now realize that my father was emphasizing the importance of organizing, monitoring and maintaining tools. Of course his reasons were obvious, having every item in its place allowed for time-saving when searching for tools, and each lost or broken instrument would not be cheap to replace.
While my father always emphasizes that his lessons are “life-lessons” and they will help us in everything we do, I did not agree so much until this past week. When On the third of Wednesday 2200 while performing a 400 hr airframe inspection I left a rag in the fillet panel above the right wing
References: Allen, P. (1999) Foreign Object Damage -- Federal Aviation Administration (2012) -- Hasenkamp, P. 2002 -- Lt. Col. Nitz, T. 2006 --