Daniel Pacheco
November 10, 2016
Dr Jay
English 201A
Torture is Acceptable
Have you ever thought why we have used torture ? Torture is defined as the intentional use of physical or physiological pain to gain advantage over a person or group of individuals. Torture has been around since the 146 BC, that’s the time Ancient Greece began and torture is still around today. We hear about torture every day, through the TV, news, social media, and/or online articles yet we do not pay attention to this issue. Obviously, many people suffer from torture all over the world. Of course, there are different types of torturing people. Most of them are illegal, because they are applied by terrorists and criminals. Nevertheless, there is legal …show more content…
It is the in the nature of terrorist to be quick, cause great damage and be stealthy enough so people won't be able to detect them. The United States of America being involved in the Middle East and other neighboring countries are likely causes as to why terrorism will rise. It is reasonable to assume that terrorist activity will continue or increase as well. Add to this that weapons are easier to purchase, to make for yourself and more lethal than ever before and these extra measures seem justified to protect ourselves. Idebate states, “If torture is accepted then it can be controlled. Rules and definitions can be set, to prevent unnecessary and overtly inhumane techniques from occurring.” This is saying that if tortured can occur then we can place rules as to what torture can consist of. The punishments we have today are laughable and dumb. Medieval torture was a good way to extract confession, obtain information and intimidate others into co-operating and or confessing. The methods of torture involved cruel devices that were not only intended to inflict extreme pain, but also permanently disable the victim. Torture isn't as bad as several centuries ago however it is used for the same reasons today. We need information quickly to know …show more content…
In some cases, torture is acceptable when there is no time to solve the problem in a humane way. When it is possible to save dozens and hundreds of human lives, it is acceptable to torture a criminal or terrorist to receive important information. Many people however disagree with torture because it's a inhumane way of receiving information. To those who oppose my view , I say that torture is definitely inhumane and morally wrong but it must be done to those who have no soul and try to inflict pain and sufferings to others. Torture is the easiest and fastest way to get vital information. Torture will always be a form of information retrieval no matter if it's morally wrong or