In other words, ‘Quality’ in terms of
‘Total Quality’ is everything an organization does in the eyes of its customers, which will determine whether they buy from this company or from its competitor. ‘Total
Quality’ provides an umbrella under which everyone in the organization can strive and create customer satisfaction.
TQM has emerged as a new and different way of managing business that allows it to provide quality goods and services at the lowest cost in order to achieve customers’ satisfaction and, at the same time, to ensure satisfactory business development by continuous improvements. TQM, thus eyes the triple targets of gaining maximum productivity, profitability and customer loyalty.
Total Quality Management ( TQM )
Total → Quality involves everyone and all activities in the company
Quality → Conformance to requirements ( Meeting customer requirements
Management →
Quality can and must be managed
TQM → A process for managing quality; it must be a continuous way of life; a philosophy of perpetual improvement in everything we do.
As defined by ISO :
TQM is a management approach for an organization, centered on quality, based on the participation of all its members and aiming at long-term success through customer satisfaction, and benefits to all members of the organization and to society.
The reasons for all the business organizations adopting TQM concept are as follows :
· Overriding concern for quality.
· Achieving certification from national and international organization regarding quality assurance in all facets in the organization.
· Gaining competitive advantage over its rivals.
· Achieving customer satisfaction
· Overall growth of the business.
· Reducing losses due to wasteful practices.
Continuous improvement with respect to improving results and more importantly with improving capabilities to