This paper reports on the importance of total quality management in service sector. It also reports on means to achieve total quality in service sector. There are various dimensions of quality are present to measure it. This paper looks on these dimensions and also addresses the Quality assurance system which is used to get assurance of standard quality. The paper also discuss about the various quality standards used by service sector and principles of ISO 9000:2000.
Problem Statement:
Whenever the concept of total quality management is heard, the first thing that strikes to our mind is manufacturing industry. Though the concept of total quality management is invented by manufacturing sector, in respect to improve their product quality and cutting cost to increase revenues; it is also equally applicable to service industry. The answer to the question of in which area of service industry, quality management principles are applied? how they are applied?
Total Quality Management:
Total quality management is a broad, including whole organization’s efforts to improve the quality of products and services, applicable to all businesses. It is a method by which management and employees can become involved in the continuous enhancement of the production process of goods and services. It is a combination of quality and management tools which is aimed at increasing business and reducing losses due to inefficient and wasteful practices.
Quality management can be considered to have three main components that are quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement.
Quality management is focused not only on product or service quality, but also the ways to achieve it. Quality management therefore uses quality assurance and control of processes as well as products to attain more constant/ consistent quality.
Service Sector/Service Industry:
Definition of service given by various authors is-
Service is work performed by someone else. – by J.M.Juran
References: • Dr. P.N. Mukherjee, Total Quality Management, 1st Edition,2006, Prentice hall of India • • • •