"Tovcltli':; rriission is t() become the most respected and adntilcr-l c;rr company in America,,, explains Jana Hart_ line . ntanagr:r' of environmental communications at Toy_ ota" To ai:r:ru.nplish this, Jana ancl her colleagues at Toyoia lre lvorltitrg torvard a future where a wide range nf inno_ l,ative vchicles, fuel technologies, and partnerships con_ verge to create an economically vibrant, mobile society in harnrony ri,ith the environnrent. It,s a challenge Jana finds
aucl the
rcsult is cleaner, greener cars!
Kiichilo'[ovocla began reselrrch on
cngincs rn 1930. By 193-5 he hacl developed passenger car
l)rl)t()lvllcs. lnrl in It)57 he introduced the,,Toyopet,,in the
[ ]nitcil Stllltrs. The Toyope( was not successful and was dis..rrlirrLrt'r.l" Xrr I96-5, I'rowe'er, the Corona was introduced" ruirl il rvr:; lirlloured by thc Corollain 196g. The Corollawent
., t. l'rL'i-.rlrc the bcsl-selling passenger car in the worlcl. l irlt "1 7 rtrilliun ;lurcl'rasocl in more than lzl0 countries!
i)oprriru'ity rr1 automobiles continued to rr.ou iir tlrr [.initecl States auc] in 197-5 it surpassed Volks_
\\'ii!rti t(i h(.)uotne the nurnber one irnport brand. In l99g
'lirvot'r lrrr-ritehcd its tirst fr-rll-sized pickup. the Toyota
-l'irnclra. '{b1,ora also expanded its proiuct line by adding thc L,erLrs brand, rvhich became known for its exceptionai quality' and customer service. By 2000, Lexus became the bcst-sellinq luxury brand in the United States, exceed_ ing sales o1'both Mercedes Benz and BMW. Toyota
North America. Toyota's sales and distribution organization includes 1,232 Toyota dealers Md229 Lexus dealers. Toyota's marketing organization has led to many memorable marketing campaigns. Some of its early taglines included "You Asked For It, you Got It!', and .,Oh
What a Feeling!" which included the .,Toyota Jump.,, The
Lexus tagline, "The Relentless pursuit of perfection," is
still in use