Employee training tries to improve skills as add to the existing level of knowledge so that the employee is better equipped to do his present job or to prepare him far a higher position with increased responsibilities. However individual growths are not and end in it. Organization growth needs to be meshed with the individuals growth the concern is for the organizations viability that it should adept itself to a changing environment. Employee growth and development has to be seen in the contact of his change. The effective functioning of any organization requires that employee learn to perform their job at a satisfactory level of proficiency an effective organization which to have amongst its ranks individuals who are qualified to accept increasing responsibilities. So much to that organization need to provide opportunities for the continuous development of employees not only in their present job but also to develop their capabilities for other jobs for which they might right later to be considered. Training refers to the teaching /learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping members of an organization to acquire and apply the knowledge skills abilities and attitudes need by that organization broadly spearing, training is the at of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job. Though it is true that unplanned learning through job experience helps development the experience of most organizations is that it is advantageous to plan systematic training programme of various types as a regular part of an adequate personal development programme. Employee training is the process where by people learns the skills knowledge attitudes and behavior needed in order to perform their job effectively. No big individual organization can long ignore the training and development needs of its employee without seriously inhabiting its performance. The any organization to perpetuate itself and active
Employee training tries to improve skills as add to the existing level of knowledge so that the employee is better equipped to do his present job or to prepare him far a higher position with increased responsibilities. However individual growths are not and end in it. Organization growth needs to be meshed with the individuals growth the concern is for the organizations viability that it should adept itself to a changing environment. Employee growth and development has to be seen in the contact of his change. The effective functioning of any organization requires that employee learn to perform their job at a satisfactory level of proficiency an effective organization which to have amongst its ranks individuals who are qualified to accept increasing responsibilities. So much to that organization need to provide opportunities for the continuous development of employees not only in their present job but also to develop their capabilities for other jobs for which they might right later to be considered. Training refers to the teaching /learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping members of an organization to acquire and apply the knowledge skills abilities and attitudes need by that organization broadly spearing, training is the at of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job. Though it is true that unplanned learning through job experience helps development the experience of most organizations is that it is advantageous to plan systematic training programme of various types as a regular part of an adequate personal development programme. Employee training is the process where by people learns the skills knowledge attitudes and behavior needed in order to perform their job effectively. No big individual organization can long ignore the training and development needs of its employee without seriously inhabiting its performance. The any organization to perpetuate itself and active