1.0 Highway Engineering
Process of design and construction of efficient and safe highways and roads.
1.1 Transportation Engineering
Application of scientific principles to the safe sub-discipline of civil engineering.
and efficient movement of people and goods ( transport). It is a
1.3 The relationship between transportation , people and goods
Transportation is the movement of people and goods from one place to another with a motor vehicle or not .
1.4 Important of transportation
Transportation play important role in ancient and modern civilization, is associated with growth or decline of the nation, the ability to move, to transport military goods and needs.
1.5 Function of transportation
Transporting goods, passengers for the purpose of economy, safety, recreation, etc..
Figure 1 : Link between transportation and society goals
CC503-Traffic engineering
1.6 Transportation
a. Ground/Land transportation:
All transportation that is not waterborne or airborne: train, truck, bus, auto, horse or dog, foot powered,. wind or gerbil powered. This kind of transportation are classified into 3 categories :
Public ground transportation generally refers to common modes, such as taxis, buses, shuttles and railroads. ii)Private Private ground transportation-personal use car, motorcycle, mpv ii)Trade transportation – lorry, truck, locomotive
Land transport is slower.
Destinations are more limited.
Runs on more fuel, if using a land vehicle.
Land transport is safer than sea transport.
b. Water transport: boat , ferry , hovercraft, ship
Capable of transporting large volume of merchandise goods.
Suitable for products with long lead time.
Very slow and time consuming
Difficult to monitor exact location of goods in transit
Customs and excise restrictions
c. Air transportation aircraft , General aviation