When I was a young boy, there were many places that I would go to get away from all the built up stress I had been feeling throughout the day. It was by far the coolest place for me as a child. It made me feel happy, private, and empowered; my Tree House. It was built by a few boys in my neighborhood as well as myself in search for a place where we could go get away from our little kid problems such as: school, after school activities, and even our parents at sometimes. Now the finishing work of our tree house wasn’t the best thing you would ever see, but to me it was something quite special. I guess the fact that I help build just made it that much more special. Climbing up to the top was the tricky part. It was about 8 feet up from the top and we only had four pieces of wood to help us all the way to the top. Looking back those four pieces of wood, they were not very promising. Only a few nails held them to the tree. We were not really smart enough at the time to realize that our weight could potentially break it off. If it stayed and looked sturdy, it was good for us. The Tree House had made my friends and I famous among the block but only certain people could be allowed to come.
Typically, after long days from school I would immediately go straight to our tree house to free myself from all my anxieties. Being here was like I was in my own little world. Instead of being surrounded by other house and it feeling like there was no other place to go, all I had to do was walk five easy minutes behind my house into the woods. It would begin with three feet died grass with grasshoppers and other insects hopping and flying all over the place in every direction you would step. After about 15 yards the grass would soon turn into little baby trees that would soon be as big as a tree we built our tree house on. After reaching our humble abode, I always sat facing the rows and rows of grass where I could see far and beyond my little eyes could