2. Would this group be considered a task-oriented group (secondary) or a social-oriented group (primary)? This group would be considered a task-oriented group instead of social-oriented because the teacher assigned the group and they have a task to complete, which in this case is a Spanish game. The leader of the group is focused on the tasks they need to perform in order …show more content…
After the teacher assigned them their groups, they first talked about the day and project requirements; this stage is called forming. Next, naturally people formed roles within the group like the leaders, social and dysfunctional roles. While the group was coming up with game ideas the leaders seemed to be disagreeing; this stage is called storming. When they finally agreed on a game idea, they were listing the tasks they had to complete; this stage is called norming. I’m sure after I left the group completed the last two stages, performing and adjourning, however, I left before they started working on the tasks.
7. Did you see any social loafers? Why would they be considered a social loafer? What’s a group without a social loafer? Am I right? I feel that most times than not there are always a social loafer in the group. Since the teacher assigned the groups, I feel that she combined the workers with the off-task workers together. In particular, in the group I watched the dysfunctional person was the social loafer. They didn’t care about the project and knew the leaders were going to get the project done, so he just sat on his phone.
8. What is your overall impression of this group? How do you think the group could work BETTER