were more comfortable to express opinions. In the Norming stage the team was positive and every member acknowledged and respected each other’s knowledge. As for the performing stage individuals knew there role in the team and had a clear vision on how to complete the task. Finally the adjourning stage where the team parted ways when the task was completed occurred (Bonebright, 2010). Evidence of this was members of the team leaving the WhatsApp group chat which was created for the project once the assignment was over.
According to Belbin’s theory on ‘team roles’ a typical team usually consists of a Resource Investigator, Team worker, Co-ordinator, Plant, Monitor Evaluator, Specialist, Shaper, Implementer and Completer Finisher (Belbin, 1993). Whilst I endured my group project I played the role of Monitor Evaluator in addition to the Completer Finisher. Belbin describes the Monitor Evaluator position as individuals who are best suited to analysing problems, evaluating ideas and suggestions. I was a Completer Finisher because I was the member of the group who examined everyone’s rough presentation slides and gave ideas and suggestions on where they went wrong and how they can improve. For example, after analysing Mustafa’s work, I suggested that he should change the structure to make it look more developed and consistent. Furthermore, after observing the entire presentation, I found many spelling mistakes which I corrected to make the PowerPoint look more professional.