The first change took place when Robin and Barney share an intimate moment outside the pub. He says to her “I could not believe your father had not called because, I couldn’t go a day with out thinking about you.” This leads to them kissing and eventually sleeping together. The two then needed to reassess their relationship at this point. It seemed as if neither wanted to make the first move and admit it was a mistake, so they danced around the issue taking it from positive to negative event. Neither one could believe that that they had cheated on their significant other.
A major detour and setback that took place was once on the boat Barney stated “what if sleeping to together was not a mistake” creating a relational talks so that they could redefine what they wanted. Robin still a little hesitant looked at this as a new opportunity for her and Barney. Once they realize that they still had feelings for one another. They decide to break off the relationships with their significant