At the end of the lane, the buses did appear. The horns they did sound, and the fans they did cheer. High above Paulson Stadium, Freedom did fly, Observing the spectacle with a keen Eagle eye.
The memory of Erk Russell hung in the air, The players were bowed - their heads, they were bare. There were others before them in glory and fame, Coach listed their numbers and called them by name!
“There was Peterson, and Foster, and fast Tracy Hamm!” He riled his troops, his fist he did slam! They savored his words about what lay ahead, While visions of The Run danced in their heads.
The band blared their trumpets, their drums they did beat, The spectators were ecstatic and stood in their seat. The kickoff was sent, into the air it did climb, The students they shouted, “Hail Georgia Southern, ONE MORE TIME!”
Then down on the field, there arose such a clatter, Twas the sound of bones crushing, and the blood it did splatter. Away to the end zone, he made a mad dash, Six points on the board, they were there in a flash! The game it was on, sixty minutes they fought, The defense did bend, but break it did naught. When the battle was finished and the enemy was slew, There was one team of victors – their uniforms were blue!
Coach gathered his players and gave them a speech, “We’re on our way boys, the seventh’s in reach! Great job on the tackling, you denied them the score! They gave it their everything, but we wanted it more!”
Then they picked up their helmets and made for the bus, As the students cheered proudly, they were saluted by