My chosen age range is 2-3 years old and the two areas of development I have chosen are physical development and communication and language development.
Physical development allows a child to explore and learn, it allows a child to develop further on a skill and move on and it boosts a child’s confidence.
Fine motor covers a child’s small movements. Two categories which fall under fine
motor are: fine manipulative skills, these are used when a child is drawing and writing; fine motor skills, these are small movements which involves using the whole hand and wrist. For example, when a child twists a door knob, he physically uses his whole hand and wrist. Between the ages of 2-3 years old the child can draw dots and circles, can use a spoon to feed with generously, do simple puzzles, turn a books pages one by one and can wash and dry his hands with some assistance.
Gross motor covers a child’s larger movements. Two categories which fall under gross motor are: locomotive skills, these are used when a child is running; gross motor skills, this are used when a child kicks a ball or throws a ball. Between the ages of 2-3 years old the child can run, climb onto furniture, can kick and throw a large ball and may begin to use a tricycle.
Communication is done through body language, facial expression, pictures and symbols within children. A 2-3 year old develops a lot at this time of his development period; the child now picks up words really quickly and completes long sentences. At this age the child becomes familiar with words and how to communicate to someone. Plurals and negatives come into use. The child will talk to toys. The child might use a soft tone or a loud tone to communicate. The child will enjoy playing with language through rhyming, reading, singing and listening to stories. The child understands certain sounds, for example if the door rings the child will point and attempt to answer. They will attempt to write the first letter of their name and they will enjoy being read a story.