If someone is overweight, feels fatigued most of the time, and most of their meals are not made at home, chances are they may be making unhealthy choices. Unhealthy eating consists of greasy, processed foods, fast food, junk food, sugary foods and too much caffeine to name a few. I know this list may sound overwhelming, but please do not get discouraged. Most of these foods are the reason people feel sluggish, or with a loss of energy.
Unhealthy foods are either high in sugar, fat or salt. Too much of any of these three has negative effects on your body. Sugary foods are empty calories. They have no minerals, protein, fats or enzymes. Have you wondered why your mom ever said too much candy would rot your teeth? Well when you consume too much sugar, your body must neutralize the effects of the sugar. Your body does this by finding necessary nutrients in your body needed to breakdown the foods you just ate. One of these nutrients needed is Calcium. Your body is now taking the Calcium from your bones and teeth to compensate the lack of nutrients in the foods you are eating. Too much salt is unhealthy as well. It can cause complications with your heart and bladder.
It is very easy to make an unhealthy choice these days. In fact, it is so easy that some of us do it without even noticing. Most of our foods have been tampered with in so many levels before