Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when assessing development
There are five factors to consider when assessing child development. They are motor development, social development, hearing and language, hand-eye co-ordination and practical reasoning.
Assess a child or young person’s development in the following areas and explain the selection of assessment used.
As I work in a semi-independent home, with our present clients aged 17-20, the most appropriate form of observation is free description, which is documented as a key worker report and shared with the client. The aim of our home is to support young people in the transition from children’s home to semi-independent living, and then from semi-independent accommodation into independent living with the possibility of outreach support (if required).
I observe clients on a daily basis carrying out cooking and cleaning tasks. I assist them if necessary. I observe their strengths and weaknesses, and help them to identify areas that need improvement to help them prepare for independent living.
I help clients to prepare for telephone calls when making appointments and prepare them for job interviews to help them understand that the way they communicate with peers and staff if different to how they should speak to professionals. This helps them to identify their non-verbal responses and adjust them appropriately.
On a weekly basis, I help the client to budget their weekly allowance for the week and encourage them to write a weekly menu and shopping list to ensure that the have enough food to last and do not over spend. While shopping I encourage them to keep track of what they have spent as they go around the shop, either by adding the prices in their heads or on a calculator.
I encourage the clients to participate in extracurricular activities to widen their social networks. On